Books I Love

Looking for something to read? I’ve got you covered.

I have read and loved all the books below, which means I think you’ll love them too.

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Looking for something to listen to? I’ve got you covered.

Check out my podcast, Finding Fantasy Reads, where I find amazing fantasy short stories so you can find your next favorite author.

Several of the stories are from the others below, but there will be plenty more in the weeks to come.


Deathmark by Kate Stradling

You have enough tough choices in life

Don’t have time to browse?

👈🏼 Read this book next

Just trust me.

Read it…

and then come tell me if you liked it.


You have enough tough choices in life

👇🏼  Read this book next if you want to get sucked into a new world where you cry with the characters and keep turning pages.

Trust me, you don’t really need a full night’s sleep for work tomorrow.

Deathmark by Kate Stradling

Fantasy I Recommend

While I read a wide range of fantasy, I try to recommend books that are considered “clean” because that’s what I prefer to read and write. To me that means little to no language, sweet and/or swoony romance (no on-page sex), and any dark/violent elements are balanced with hope.

In other words, I would let my teenage children read them. And I can say that because now I have a teenage son 😱 and I have let him read several of these.

Runelight by JA Andrews
Runelight by JA Andrews
Of Deeds Most Valiant by Sarah KL Wilson
The Eternity Gate by Katherine Briggs
The Winter Prince by Constance Lopez
Voice of War
Wishtress by Nadine Brandes
Phoenix Heart
Dust by Kara Swanson
The Sinking City
The Story Peddler
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
The Seventh Year Trials
Crown of Coral and Pearl
Dark Affliction

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